
Monday, April 25, 2011

No Water

After a fine afternoon of reciting poetry for the school's sound system we were informed that we would not have running water for the next two days. Apparently the city is undergoing some pipe changes or fixing them or something. I thought I could count on getting to take a warm shower every once and a while, but these next two days I can't even count on a cold one! The advice given to us is "to fill your washing machine and sink with water". Every bucket, filled to the brim just in case you need it the next two days.

Contemplate that too long and I remember that something like this would never happen in the US. Not being able to have running water would be unthinkable and cruel. But do I really need a shower everyday? Or even every other? Apparently in China people don't.

1 comment:

  1. hope you made it through... I don't know what I'd do without water... :) take care
